Thursday, June 3, 2010

Feeling Fictional: Review: Dido - Adele Geras

Review: Dido - Adele Geras
Aeneas leaned forward a small and kissed her on the mouth. Just one swift, soft impact of his lips on hers and so he turned and walked away.

Love can be deadly. Especially when two young women fall for the same man - one a queen, the former a serving maid.

Elissa knows she is acting with fire, but she can't resist.

Sarah's Book Reviews: Review: Dido - Adele Geras

Review: Dido - Adele Geras
Aeneas leaned forward a slight and kissed her on the mouth. Just one swift, soft impact of his lips on hers and so he turned and walked away.
Love can be deadly. Especially when two young women fall for the same man - one a queen, the former a serving maid.Elissa knows she is acting with fire, but she can't resist.