Officially in bed with Thailand! Its the perfect mix of East meets west! It sometimes feels a wee bit sterile when Im in the US too long. I go to light my mind! ask my lovely hubby!I need a little sand in my place if you recognize what I mean.
We flew Sri Lankan airlines to Colombo. Security check points have gotten ridiculous. I believe i scanned my bags like 10 times.
We had a 6 hour layover so we were put up in a hotel near by. The minute i got into my room, i crashed. My jet lag had finally caught up with me and i could no longer function. Our escape to bangkok was at 1am so we got back to the airport around 11pm only to find out that our escape was delayed by an hour. With that bit of news, I establish a 3 seat nook near our gate and passed out AGAIN! seriously! as I go on in age , this whole jet lag thing is getting the best of me! My mum on the other hand spent her time browsing through every duty free shop. Did I assure you she has a problem? A shopping problem that is. ha! I kid.she throughly enjoys the process, the whole work and she aint afraid to buy either! I cant really complain, I am a frequentreceipient of her purchases so I dont plan to put her in shoppers annoymous anytime soon!
Our 2am flight finally arrived. we got on table and off we took to the skys. The moment you give the US, there is something called "food" that they go on planes again. I mean full fledged meals! So at 2am i opted for a mixed stir fry noodle dish. I was bored so I ate and it was ok! We arrived in BKK around 7ish, got our visa on the place and took a cab to the metropolis to fill up with my namesake Anna. She is myaunt sister (no that doesnt get her my aunt but it does have her one awesome person and Ill glady take her as my aunt!). I havent seen her since I was 15 years old so it was courteous to get up as big over a whiskey on the rocks; . Anna stays in Ekamai , Soi 2 in the middle of bangkok which made things very easy for us. We were very tight to the sky train that took us to a few places my mom wanted to go. The foremost affair I did though was eat some Street Thai food. its everywhere and they all look DELISH! and its surprisingly clean, well some of you may not remember it is but all i got to say to that is "you are missing out BIG TIME" . I have been taking pictures of all my meals but uploading them has been a problem, the one thing I miss about the US, wait I drop my good man and my friends and home as well!
First Thai meal was a tasty pappaya salad and honey grilled chicken on bamboo skewers! food heaven! We establish a little nook on the street , ate and went on our merry way to nearly 5 different markets and malls. Im super bummed Im wanting the weekend market here because its Vast and has everything below the sun but we checked out MBK market and it was pretty rad in itsself with every imaginable thing under the sun! We didnt really buy anything, it was more only the feel of beholding the happenings of the place. glasses, electronics, bizzaro awesome food, clothes, million cell phone cover options, bags, plants, you make it, they got it.We walked till we could walk no more so needless to say, when we got back to the house, we crashed! not before some dinner from a street vendor: option for the dark was: thai soup with all the fixings , grilled pork and another pappaya salad! num num num!!
Tommorrow is the interior and accessories fair! very excited about what we will find. This point is primarily for mamas shop but the way one in 2 years is for me. Im trying to get some fun fabrics and get somebody that can do hand embroidered gypsy gal apparel Ive designed. wish me luck!
one love
the gypsy gal!
p.s anyone interested in serving me convince my husband to travel here? ;)
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