Friday, January 28, 2011

Dido Music Info: OPERA SAN MIGUEL - !011 DIDO & AENEAS


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Press Release / 2011-01-28 14:17:52

As February approaches, Opera San Miguel is busy preparing for its 4th Annual Workshop Week. After the success of last year's Die Fledermaus by Richard Strauss, Musical Director Tom Pargeter, and his wife, Stage Director Katy Pargeter, set about trying to get a suitable subject for this year's presentation.

A change of musical style was what they were seeking, and a turn with people to interest soloists and chorus alike - not something contained in many operas.

The effect is a show of Henry Purcell's "Dido & Aeneas" a classical tragedy, written and first performed in London around 1688. It is set in the time of "several years BC", in Carthage - now known as Tunisia. The story tells of Dido, Queen of Carthage and her love for Aeneas - a Trojan hero. Nothing is straightforward, though, and various gods and witches appear to spice up the plot. The music is fascinating, including arguably one of the most beautiful arias of any opera, sung by Dido in the final scene.

The entire opera lasts just over an hour, and as usual, in just under a week, the company will rehearse and finally perform the completely staged and costumed work in the Casa de Cultura in San Miguel de Salinas. Rehearsals starting on Sunday afternoon, and the opera is performed on the following Friday evening. Quite a challenge for everyone!

Many singers will be travelling to San Miguel from the UK, several of them for the 4th time, to connect some local ex-pats here, for a week of arduous field and enjoyment. The costumes are ready, the music learned, staging and lighting planned, and the company all very much look forward to meeting old friends, and welcoming new ones in what promises to be yet another exhilarating and successful week.

The company are as always very grateful to the Mayor and Town Hall of San Miguel de Salinas for giving them entire use of the Casa de Cultura for the full week. Rehearsals start at 2.00 pm on Sunday 13th February, and save every day from 10.00 am - 6.00 pm Monday to Thursday, with a break for lunch! The Dress Rehearsal will be on the Friday morning, and Final Performance on Friday 18th February at 8.00 pm.

Everyone is welget to get to prevent any of the sessions during the week - including the Dress Rehearsal - absolutely free of charge. For the Net Performance, there will be an entrance charge of 5€.

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